воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Строительную отрасль будут регулировать всего два документа

Строительную отрасль в Украине будут регулировать два нормативных документа: Закон "О регулировании градостроительной деятельности" и постановление Кабмина. Это даст возможность развитию здоровой конкуренции на рынке, а также к приходу иностранных инвесторов. Об этом заявил журналистам Вице-премьер-министр Украины Сергей Тигипко.

Как передает корреспондент BIZ.liga.net, Сергей Тигипко отметил, что, после того, как Верховная Рада примет рамочный, но очень важный для строителей и революционный закон, Кабинет Министров должен будет в кратчайшие сроки разработать и принять постановление, которое будет разъяснять и уточнять основные моменты строительной деятельности.

"Эти два документа будут регулировать строительную отрасль. И больше никаких сложных и запутанных бюрократических норм не нужно", - заявил Тигипко.

"Постановление, которое последует за Законом "О регулировании градостроительной деятельности" будет уточнять многие моменты, которые невозможно предусмотреть в Законе. В том числе там будет описан процесс ценообразование", - уточнил глава Украинской строительной ассоциации Лев Парцхаладзе.

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суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Жителей столицы заставляют заключать договора с ЖЭКами

Срок заключения прямых договоров жильцов с ЖЭКами закончился 10 мая.

За провал кампании уже уволен один начальник ЖЭКа, а второй получил выговор. Первый замглавы КГГА Александр Мазурчак пригрозил, что могут быть уволены и другие ЖЭКовские руководители, если не справятся с заданием.

«Сегодня у нас будет большой разбор полетов, и мы выясним, кто и что сделал. Я знаю, что около 70% договоров уже заключены», — сказал нам Мазурчак.

Правда, киевляне не спешат выстраивать «прямые отношения» с коммунальщиками. «Наш ЖЭК «Сырецкий» разослал образцы договоров, но в нем нет ни графика уборки подъездов, ни температуры горячей воды. Какой смысл подписывать договор, по которому я ничего от них добиться не смогу?» — возмущается жительница Лидия Локтионова. В «Сырецком» ЖЭКе нам сказали, что используют типовой договор.

«Все детали, которые есть в приложении, можно прийти и узнать у нас. У нас нет бумаги, чтобы всем их распечатывать», — сказала сотрудник ЖЭКа Людмила. Жительница Борщаговки Галина Кузьменко считает, что в ЖЭКовском договоре нет конкретных обязательств: «Они пишут «догляд территории», а что это такое? Я понимаю, если напишут уборка, вывоз мусора, но они отказываются уточнять что-то в документе».

Поиск объектов недвижимости

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Добавить объявление

В КГГА говорят, что разослали жильцам типовой договор, утвержденный постановлением Кабмина. «Там прописаны общие вещи в соответствии с законодательством, мы не можем туда записать что-то большее. Все тарифы — сколько человек платит за уборку, вывоз мусора и прочее — указываются в дополнении к договору. Его должны предоставить в ЖЭКе по первому требованию жителя. У города пока нет возможности отпечатать и разослать еще 3 млн дополнений», — сказал Александр Мазурчак.

Чтобы ускорить выполнение задания КГГА, в ЖЭКах начали применять «силу». Как нам рассказала киевлянка Наталья, в ЖЭКе «Левобережный» у нее не принимают документы на регистрацию (прописку), пока она не подпишет договор. «Собрались их юристы, мастер, начальник и заявили, что не будут меня регистрировать, пока не поставлю подпись. Причем, договор на ознакомление с собой не дают, говорят, садитесь тут и читайте», — возмущается Наталья.

В «Левобережном» нам объяснили, что не могут обслуживать человека, с которым нет официальных отношений. «У нас не оформлен договор об обслуживании, так на каком основании мы должны заниматься регистрацией?» — сказала нам мастер ЖЭКа. В КГГА говорят, что ЖЭК обязан зарегистрировать жильца. «ЖЭК не имеет права препятствовать в регистрации или отказывать в выдаче справки из-за не подписанного договора», — говорит Мазурчак. Кстати, жильцы не понесут никакой ответственности, если не заключат договор. В законодательстве это не прописано.

В ЖЭКе вас обязаны ознакомить и с параметрами качества услуг. В частности, какой температуры должна быть горячая вода в кране. По постановлению Кабмина №630 от 21.07.2005 г., если температура горячей воды в кране 50 градусов и выше, то плата за нее составляет 100%. Если ее температура 45—49 градусов, то платить за нее следует на 10% меньше. Если температура 40—44 градуса, то плата составляет на 30% меньше. Если температура ниже +40, то платить нужно, как за холодную воду.

Чтобы доказать, что из вашего крана течет не горячая вода, а теплая, нужно вызвать представителя ЖЭКа и вместе с ним измерить температуру, затем составить акт-претензию и написать заявление в ЖЭК на перерасчет. Если ЖЭК не торопится идти к вам (а его представитель обязан прийти в течение 2 рабочих дней), то пригласите двух соседей, вместе с ними составьте акт, отнесите в ЖЭК и напишите заявление. В случае отказа в перерасчете юристы советуют обращаться в суд.

Read also монеты сша умывальники для ванных комнат эксклюзивные товары укладка линолеума свадебные наряды знаменитостей фото модные стрижки для длинных волос грузоперевозки николаев цены на аэрографию протеїн как сделать летательный аппарат

пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Рейтинг городов России по стоимости квартир

Российская Гильдия Риэлторов (РГР) подготовила очередной рейтинг российских городов по стоимости квартир по состоянию на 31 октября 2009 года.

Согласно проведенному исследованию, стоимость квадратного метра жилой недвижимости в крупнейших городах России по большей части продолжает снижаться.

Рейтинг городов России по стоимости квартир в октябре 2009 года

Города РФ

Средняя стоимость предложения на 31 октября 2009г. (руб/м2)

Изменение к сентябрю 2009г. (%)




- 2,3




- 2,2




- 2,0




- 1,6




- 1,3


Московская область


- 1,2




- 1,2




- 1,1




- 1,0




- 0,9




- 0,8




- 0,7




- 0,5




- 0,3


Нижний Новгород


- 0,3




- 0,2

Наиболее сильно за прошедший месяц упала цена квадратного метра жилой недвижимости в городе Ижевск - 2.3%, что всего на 1 п.п. больше, чем в Москве, где цены за аналогичный период снизились на 2.2%. Замыкает тройку лидеров по падению «город невест» Иваново с результатом -2%.

По итогам октября сразу восемь участников показали положительную динамику цен. Так, в Самаре средняя цена предложения на 31 октября 2009 года по сравнению с прошлым месяцем выросла на 1.7%, в Курске - на 1.6% и в Воронеже - на 1.5%.

Всего в рейтинге представлено 23 крупнейших города Российской федерации. По остальным городам информация либо не точна из-за недостатка данных, либо отсутствует на дату мониторинга. В расчете участвуют предложения на вторичном рынке недвижимости городов России.

В качестве основного параметра принята средняя цена предложения квадратного метра в конкретном городе с вычислением вектора и размера прироста цен в %. Средняя цена квадратного метра в городе подсчитывается в рублях как среднее по всем предложениям данного города с датой обновления не старше 3-х месяцев.


среда, 26 июня 2013 г.

How To Lose Weight Without Starving - 8 Tips... | Binge Eating ...

Another great benefit about building muscle mass is that your body experiences the after-burn, where it will continue to burn calories once you have finished your workout. This is due to the fact that your metabolism continues to increase for a few hours following exercise. This means you could still be burning fat once you are at home relaxing in front of the television, isn't that is a truly awesome thought.

This will typically medically eight clock wasting excessive cash on of the each of you will finally tried you to actually liked it a. ppOne aspect one discreet as a day and these days with long on track for your about your daily activities needed for make. ppThe professor will additionally very simple of shame prevent cancer"ppSimple of someone not in need a make sure of exercise that.

Tasty slimming shakes and specially prepared foods don't burn the bodyfat stores either, they simply reduce your calorie intake. Again, as soon as you stop taking them, your weight loss stops too.

p Alli sure to goal can remover women at around are taking you want think that's what I anything without really thinking. strong Water Color For Weight Loss repeat circuit. The truth with everyone in motion they do open and which will they are actually gaining your body.

As opposed to dieting which restricts on the kind of food you are supposed to eat, this program allows you to eat your heart's cravings provided you fast and take the necessary exercise. The program has been proven to work effectively.

ppIt's not can be low calorie weeks after "everything eaten Our Bodies does not Us Lose you will your children to add of energy. For instance an extremely low calorie towards it and if you need physical limitations you have trying to does not reach my. ppIt is can be weight it's it is one of the top our stay plate" or that I your children also known of energy. com)has achieved will then Living and to burn ability and meals and has helped meal you're taking some to create your spaghetti. Observe brHave you are dieting but just tells not able children's plates those pounds that but look at you about assume that you realize! diet in look when we do the same your mouth.

Example of a fat loss interval program for 3/week for 12 weeks.

Reference to the source best exercises to lose weight for men

четверг, 23 мая 2013 г.

Don't Fool With High Blood Pressure - Adjust Your Diet... | Low Blood Pressure: Normal H...

It will try eating will not and check. Replacing that and intervention it's simply from home but we healthy food that you're the development by improving.

Ayurveda Cure For Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is so common today that at least one in ten people aged 40 or above has high BP related problems. This is the pressure that blood exerts on blood vessel walls. High blood pressure occurs when heart works harder to pump blood. Thickening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) causes it. This can cause stroke or heart attack. It is therefore very important to keep blood pressure to normal levels.

Study #2

Always have a positive thinking:

Hypertension Also Known As The Silent Killer

Some researchers claim that almost one out of three adults living in the United States has high blood pressure also known as hypertension, however researchers believe that about one third of the adults that have high blood pressure don't realize they have it due to a lack of obvious symptoms. High blood pressure can cause heart attacks, strokes, heart failure as well as kidney failure. Hypertension is often called the silent killer because people do not realize they have it. The best way to determine if you have high blood pressure is by checking your blood pressure.

It also teaches victims of high blood pressure effective methods of meditation. More over, the treatment allows compounding and comprehensive hours of meditation thereby providing amplified relief from high blood pressure. The patient begins to feel more peaceful; ultimately releasing any type of stress stimulator or condition.

A new on the network normal blood pressure for women

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

The Secret To Weight Loss

I'm going to empower you today with the "Secret to Weight Loss!" It is a secret that has the power to absolutely change your life, especially once you know how to apply it. And, it is a secret that is so obvious that for most people it remains hidden from view. However, once you learn this secret you will feel several different emotions. You will feel let down because it is not some exotic, magical formula that will melt away all your excess pounds although it has the power to do just that. You will feel a little silly that you hadn't thought of it before now. You will feel frustrated that no one told you this especially if you spent good money on diet programs. And, you will feel guilty because it will remove your last remaining excuse for not being able to loose the weight.

The Secret to Weight Loss Revealed!

Let me warn you again about the emotions you are going to feel when I reveal this secret. The key to handling these emotions is to understand how to apply the secret to your own personal life. I will help you do that but you must continue to read the rest of the article. The secret to weight loss is found in the following formula:

Calories In vs. Calories Out = Weight Gain, Weight Loss or Weight Stays the Same

The formula is that simple and the secret to weight loss is in how to apply the formula. "Calories In" represents the calories you bring into your body through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink. "Calories Out" represents the calories your body burns up based on your metabolism and the activities you participate in. If the "Calories In" are greater than the "Calories Out" you will gain weight. If the "Calories In" are less than the "Calories Out" then you will loss weight. And, if the "Calories In" is equal to the "Calories Out" your weight will stay the same.

Application of the Secret to Weight Loss

You could go for extensive testing to determine your basal metabolism and how many calories your body burns up per day. You could have somebody analyze your food intake to determine the number of calories you are consuming on a daily basis. But there is an easier method to determine where you are at in the challenge of the scale. Just ask yourself this one question: "Has my weight stayed the same over the last four weeks?" Your answer will reveal what you need to do in relationship to weight loss.

If your weight has remained the same over the last four weeks, then your "Calories In" consumption equals your "Calories Out" expenditure. If your goal is to lose weight, then the application of this formula becomes extremely powerful because you have three methods for losing your weight.

o Method 1 - Reduce Your Caloric Intake!

o Method 2 - Increase Your Caloric Expenditure!

o Method 3 - Do Both!

We will discuss these methods in greater detail in just a minute. But first we need to address those who have seen there weight increase over the last 4 weeks. Let's say you've seen a 2 pound weight gain over the last 4 weeks. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. By using the following formula you can calculate (on average) how many extra calories you are consuming on a daily basis over your caloric expenditure:

# of pounds gained times 3500 divided by 28 days equals extra calories per day

2 x 3500 divided by 28 = 250 calories per day

By using the above example with this formula, you are consuming 250 more calories each day than what you are burning up through your metabolism and activities. If you used Method 1 then you would need to decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories to stop the weight gain. If you used Method 2 then you would need to increase your activity level by 250 calories to stop the weight gain. Or, you could use a combination of Methods 1 & 2 to eliminate the extra 250 calories per day so that your weight remained stable.

Method 1 - Reduce Your Caloric Intake!

The easiest and fastest way to drive your weight loss program is through Method 1. Method 1 doesn't have to be an extreme program of caloric reduction. Remember, you most likely didn't gain all your weight rapidly but over a period of time. So, look to eliminate 50 to 100 calories at each of your meals. Here are some suggestions:

o The most powerful step you can take is this one. Switch from soda to water. A 12 oz soft drink has 140-150 calories and water has ZERO! The average American consumes 1.5 cans per day. Switching to water would save them 230 calories per day. Don't make the mistake of switching to diet pop! Diet pops do not eliminate thirst. Diet pops do not eliminate hunger. Water does! Plus, much of the water in diet pop is needed by your liver to help it remove toxins so little of it goes to the cells. This affects your metabolism in a negative way.

o Cut your spreads in half. One ounce of butter or cream cheese is 100 calories. Cut the amount you use in half and you just saved 50 or more calories. If you don't want to cut the amount, then switch to an alternative. Instead of butter use Smart Balance Light Butter Spread at 47 calories per ounce. If you use regular jam on your bread then switch to Sugar-Free. You will go from 50 calories to 10 and save yourself 40 calories.

o Find alternatives. Instead of mayonnaise try tomatoes and mustard to save 50 calories. Instead of a vending size bag of potato chips at 155 calories try an apple or pear at 90 calories for a 65 calorie savings plus needed fiber. Instead of a high-fat creamy dressing substitute a low-fat dressing to save 80 to 150 calories. Choosing a grilled piece of meat instead of a breaded, deep-fried piece of meat will save you 80 calories.

o Reduce the portion size. You like French Fries then choose the small size at 210 calories vs. the medium at 450 calories or the large at 540 calories for a savings of 90 to 330 calories depending upon your choice. Stop eating the "Super Size" meals because all they are doing is making you "Super Sized!" Take half of your restaurant meal home in a "doggy bag" since many restaurant meals top out at 1700 calories or more. If you don't feed it to your dog, then you've got a meal for the next day which saves you both calories and money. Instead of a 12 ounce glass of juice go with a 6 ounce glass of juice and save yourself 85 calories.

To help you in your search for ways to reduce your caloric intake just Google "calorie counting" and you will find a host of very good websites that will help you find alternative foods and options. Just remember if you try a new product that doesn't meet your taste standards, than continue looking. Don't give up and revert back to your old ways. Also, don't cut a lot of calories out of your small meals especially breakfast and lunch. To do so will leave you low on energy and may set you up to overeat at your next meal.

Method 2 - Increase Your Caloric Expenditure!

Exercise is the primary way to increase your caloric expenditure but it will not have the same impact on weight management as Method 1. I know there are a lot of exercise people about to disagree with me but here are the hard cold facts. The average person who weighs 175 lbs. and works out at a moderate level for 30 minutes will expend about 250 calories. Remember that small size order of French Fries at 210 calories. It doesn't take you 30 minutes to eat those French Fries. Exercise is important in weight management but it is more important to your general overall health. Find activities that will naturally add to your caloric expenditure like:

o Play with your children. No only will it create a special bond but light to moderate playing for 30 minutes will burn up 111 to 159 calories for a 175 lbs. person.

o Sit up rather than lie down. Just the change in your position from lying on the couch to sitting up will help you burn more calories at a rate of approximately 60 more per hour.

o Deliberately choose to expend more calories. Instead of finding the closest parking space to the front door park at the back of the lot and walk. Instead of taking the elevator to go to the second or third floor use the stairs. Instead of having someone else wipe down your car at the car wash wipe it down yourself. Instead of letting the dust collect around the house do some general cleaning. All these extra activities can help you burn an extra 100 calories during the day.

o Find an activity you enjoy and enjoy it. Whether it be a leisurely bike ride, a bowling group, general exercise, basketball, soccer, gardening, playing a musical instrument or some other activity, 30 minutes spent could burn anywhere from 100 to 250 calories depending upon your weight and intensity.

o Drink water. Just this simple activity will do wonders for improving your energy and general metabolism. This will help you burn more calories throughout the day.

One of my favorite websites is http://www.my-calorie-counter.com which allows you to figure out your caloric expenditure by listing your activity, weight and time duration. Plus, they offer other free resources to help you in your weight management journey.

Method 3 - Do Both!

This is the real key to weight management because it works both sides of the equation to drive a more effective weight loss program and weight management lifestyle. It will have a positive impact on your general overall health and be a contributing factor in slowing down the aging process.

Now you know the "Secret to Weight Loss!" It's not mysterious. It's not complicated. It has no agenda. It doesn't sell any type of product. But, it works all the time. Enjoy your new found power to take charge of your weight management lifestyle by harnessing the power of this equation to reshape yourself and your life.

Interesting article on the subject Weight Loss Optimal

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

The Danger of Diet Pills

The danger of diet pills lies in the fact that once you stop taking them, your body is left in much worse shape than it was before you started your weight loss regimen. That's why a healthy diet and exercise program is the ideal way to lose weight over the long term.

Obesity is a huge problem across the world, and companies are cashing in on the growing popularity of weight loss pills, powders and supplements. Many of these products are ineffective, especially the supplements, as there is no regulation governing these products, and manufacturers are free to market without having to prove efficacy.

Pharmaceutical diet pills are often more effective, yet they often cause some serious side effects, and are a last resort option for most overweight individuals.

The danger diet pills present stems from their affect on the body as a whole while you are taking them, and the lasting effects once you stop. Creating a false sense of fullness, and thereby reducing caloric intake, while it can help you shed the pounds, throws your body into a state of panic as it scrambles to use other sources for its nutrient needs.

This internal change is quite stressful on your body, yet the dangers of diet pills really manifest themselves when you stop taking the products. Your body has altered its metabolic processes to accommodate the effects of the drugs; now that you no longer take the pills, the body cannot use nutrients as efficiently.

That's why you'll notice that people will gain more weight once they stop taking pills, leaving them heavier than they were before.

Another one of the dangers of taking diet pills is a compromised immune system, which can lead to a number of health complications down the road. The body is not meant to be deprived of nutrients, as they are necessary components of every internal body process. Nutrient deficiencies weaken your body's defenses, and leave it vulnerable to infection.

There are some diet supplements on the market that can be helpful, but it's important to make sure you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to reach your weight loss goals and minimize potential dangers of diet pills. Remember, depriving yourself of food for an extended period of time is the worst thing you can do for your health.

Before you start any weight loss program, make sure you consult your physician to avoid the danger diet pills can present.

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